25. 4. 2008
Recent Comments
On Apr 24 Anonymous commented on hegels critique of kants moral theory: “Gary Davis says: "not 'transcendental' in any sense associable with Kant". Isn't that taking…”
On Apr 18 MaryAloyse commented on stanford encyclopedia of philosophy: “However, the entry on Habermas does at least mention the debate.”
On Mar 12 Murfmensch commented on obama habermasian or rawlsian: “I think most of Obama and Clinton's religious rhetoric can be considered testimony as the term is…”
On Mar 09 Anonymous commented on habermas and foucault discourse and: “for author info see”
On Mar 09 Anonymous commented on habermas and foucault discourse and: “Who wrote this? may it be cited or is it a work in progress?”
On Apr 18 MaryAloyse commented on stanford encyclopedia of philosophy: “However, the entry on Habermas does at least mention the debate.”
On Mar 12 Murfmensch commented on obama habermasian or rawlsian: “I think most of Obama and Clinton's religious rhetoric can be considered testimony as the term is…”
On Mar 09 Anonymous commented on habermas and foucault discourse and: “for author info see”
On Mar 09 Anonymous commented on habermas and foucault discourse and: “Who wrote this? may it be cited or is it a work in progress?”

Habermas is a German philosopher -- "the leading systematic philosopher of our time," Richard Rorty of the University of Virginia calls him. But Habermas comes to this debate as much more than just a philosopher. "In terms of range and depth there is no one close to him," says Thomas McCarthy, a professor of humanities and philosophy at Northwestern University. "Habermas has been able to go into discussions in political theory, in sociology, in psychology, in legal theory -- in a dozen different disciplines -- and become one of the dominant voices in each one."
THE THEOLOGIAN OF TALK, by Mitchell Stephens in Los Angeles Times Magazine
THE THEOLOGIAN OF TALK, by Mitchell Stephens in Los Angeles Times Magazine

Blogs (Habermas related)
- Books on Habermas (1)
- Critical Theory (1)
- current articles on Habermas (1)
- dialectic of universalims and particularism (1)
- dissertations on Habremas (1)
- epistemic dualism ontological monism (1)
- Habermas in News (4)
- Habermas seminar (1)
- obituraries (1)
- online articles (1)
- public sphere (1)
- Reviews of Habermas' books (1)
- Rorty and Habermas (1)

Interviews with Habermas
Papers etc. by Habermas on Religion and related matters
- The Unrest is Growing: Habermas in Iran,Interview with Juergen Habermas on his visit to Iran
- Ist Teheran ein neues Athen?' - Eine Entgegnung auf Habermas und Friedman
- "Religious Tolerance—The Pacemaker for Cultural Rights Jürgen Habermas"
- Philosophy in a Time of Terror Dialogues with Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida
- Öffentlicher Raum und politische Öffentlichkeit
- "Public Space and Political Public Sphere - the biographical roots of two motifs in my thought"
- Religion in the Public Sphere
- Religion and Rationality: Essays on Reason, God, and Modernity

papers,work in progress, notes etc.
- Transcendence from within: An interpretation and Analysis(pdf)
- Habermas' Ontological conception of Freedom: Some preliminary Reflections(doc)
- Reading Owen's Between Reason and History: Habermas and the idea of Progress
- Validity claims, Unconditionality, Universality and Modernism in Habermas: A reappraisal(doc)

Search Engines
habermasian resources
Habermas Apel debate
Habermas, America, War and Peace and related material
- America and the World A Conversation with Jürgen Habermas
- Jürgen Habermas: Irak-Krieg als Revolution der Weltordnung
- Amerikas Autorität in Trümmern Jürgen Habermas über den "Hegemon" USA
- Jürgen Habermas: Amerikas Autorität liegt in Trümmern
- Normative Trümmer und solche aus Stein
- How Jürgen Habermas defends the Balkan war
- A contribution to the critique of Jürgen Habermas
- Bestialität, Humanität, Servilität
- Letter to America
- Philosophizing about Europe's Rebirth
- Habermas + Derrida: Modernism a beneficiary of war in Iraq
- Slavoj Zizek: On war in Iraq, Zionism and Palestinian terror
- Interpreting the Fall of a Monument

scholars (Habermas)
- Anders Bordum
- Austin Harrington
- Charles Nussbaum
- Christopher F. Zurn
- Cristina Lafont
- David M. Rasmussen
- David S. Owen
- Eduardo Mendieta
- Erik Oddvar Eriksen
- Farid Abdel-Nour
- Fred Dallmayr
- Fultner, Barbara
- Gordon Finlayson
- Gorm Harste
- Hans-Klaus Keul.
- Hauke Brunkhorst
- J.M. Bernstein
- James C. Swindal
- James F. Bohman
- Jeremy J. Shapiro
- Joachim Renn
- Joel Anderson
- John McCumber
- Joseph Heath
- Lenny Moss
- Maeve Cooke
- Marie Fleming
- Mark Sacks
- Matuštík, Martin Beck
- Pauline Johnson
- Peter Dews
- Richard J. Bernstein
- Stephen K. White
- Steven Hendley
- Thomas A. McCarthy
- Thomas Gregersen
- William Outhwaite
- William Rehg, S.J.

Habermas Heidegger debate and related resources
- Qu'appelle-t-on calomnier Heidegger?
- Flirting with fascism - the Sloterdijk debate
- "Giving the Nation its Cue" – Jürgen Habermas
- Heidegger's Challenge and the Future of Critical Theory
- Today's ‘Conservative Revolution and the Ideology of the Nazis The Case of Martin Heidegger.
- Philosophical Convictions

Papers etc. by Habermas and related material
audio and video by or on Habermas
Habermasian debates
Hab. Discussion Lists
Papers etc. by Habermas scholars
- Habermas’ Between Facts and Norms:Legitimizing Power? by Abdollah Payrow Shabani
- Habermas, Human Rights, and Universalist Morality
- Morality, Law and Deliberative Democracy - An Enquiry Concerning Jürgen Habermas’ and Karl-Otto Apel’s Discursive Programs of Justification
- On the Incompleteness of George Herbert Mead's Theory of the Social Self as an Account of Intersubjectivity: Re-reading Henrich after Habermas
- Reason, Society and Religion: Reflections on 11 September from a Habermasian Perspective
- Myth of Reason 1
- Myth of Reason 2
- Habermas on Social Labor and Communicative Action: Marie Fleming University of Western Ontario
- On Normative Pragmatics: a Comparison between Brandom and Habermas
- Marketing Critical Theory
- Spanking the Marine: Jürgen Habermas, Herbert Marcuse and the Resources of Solidarity and Resistance
- Flirting with fascism - the Sloterdijk debate
- Overcoming Emancipation
- Deconstruction and Speech Act Theory:A Defence of the Distinction between Normal and Parasitic Speech Acts by Kevin Halion
- Introduction: Law in Habermas’s Theory of Communicative Action
- ARMS AND RIGHTS: Rawls, Habermas and Bobbio in an Age of War
- Fresh Look at Lukács: on Steven Vogel's Against Nature
- "A Critique of Habermas' Proposed 'Reconstruction of Historical Materialism'," presented to the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
- Heidegger's Challenge and the Future of Critical Theory
- Reading Guide to: Habermas, J 'A Positivistically-Bisected Rationalism'

Scholars (Hab. related)
Papers etc. by Habermas on Europe and related matters
- Le non illusoire de la gauche
- The illusionary "Leftist No"
- "Giving the Nation its Cue" – Jürgen Habermas
- Warum braucht Europa eine Verfassung?
- Why Europe Needs a Constitution
- Why Europe Needs a Constitution
- Unsere Erneuerung. Nach dem Krieg: Die Wiedergeburt Europas
- Rettung in der Not
- Le non illusoire de la gauche

Review of Habermas and Habermas related books
Journals (habermasians/european philosophy)
Habermas Brandom debate
Charles Taylor
John McDowell
- Brandom et les sources de la normativité
- Brandom et les sources de la normativité (english version)
- "Normative Pragmatics: a Comparison between Brandom and Habermas "
- "Modality, Normativity, and Intentionality"
- Robert Brandom Interview
- Objectivity and the Normative Fine Structure of Rationality
- Semantic paradox of material implication

Naturalism Resources
- Center for Naturalism
- A Philosophical Naturalism
- "Naturalism Without Representationalism"
- "A Guide to Naturalizing Semantics"
- The Hermeneutics of Suspicion: Recovering Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud
- Mind as the Mirror of Nature: Fred Dretske on Naturalizing the Mind

Hilary Putnam
Wilfrid Sellars
philosophical texts
Blog Archive
- ▼ 2008 (37)
- ► March (14)
- Calhoun on Habermas and religion
- Habermas on Dutch anti-Islam film
- A new book by Jürgen Habermas
- Habermas and civil religion
- Class, nation and covenant
- Can "speech acts" be used strategically?
- a cottage industry of Habermasians . . .
- Constellations: An International Journal Of Critic...
- Second Call for Papers for the 4th Annual Joint Co...
- Neither Hayek nor Habermas
- Communicative action and the radical constitution:...
- Obama a Habermasian or a Rawlsian?
- The Israeli “Communicative Action”
- Empty formulas for change
- ► February (9)
- Habermas and Foucault: Discourse and Modernity
- Habermas and "Richard Rorty's Philosophical Legacy...
- Maeve Cooke on Law and Violence
- Richard Rorty's Philosophical Legacy
- CFP: SEP/FEP Conference
- Pragmatic vs Semantic universalism
- The End of Immanent Critique?
- Globalizing Democracy: Reflections on Habermas's R...
- The Spirit of the Age: Hegel and the Fate of Think...
- ► January (8)
- Between Naturalism and Religion: Philosophical Ess...
- Hegel’s Critique of Kant’s Moral Theory and Haberm...
- On "Zwischen Naturalismus und Religion"
- What happened to Rick Roderick?
- Marcuse or Habermas: Two Critiques of Technology
- Habermas and Foucault
- national consciousness is a construct
- Why is a world state implausible?
- ► March (14)
- ► 2007 (62)
- ► December (9)
- Going beyond universalism and particularism
- Transforming Communication: Habermas and Brandom i...
- The Divided West (Polity, 2006)
- McDowell on the distinction between 'transcendenta...
- Friedman on Cassirer
- A list of best articles on Habermas
- Ten best books on Habermas
- Does Habermas break his own rule?
- Christopher Zurn: Long draft of Encyclopaedia Arti...
- ► December (9)