25. 4. 2008
Exciting Stuff
Offers college application help, bulletin boards, links to top schools. |
Go College
Search for a college, practice your SAT skills, or get advice online. review |
Kaplan's COLLEGEzine
Try the Amazing College Simulator or subscribe to the E-Newsletter for tips, reminders, and quizzes. |
Princeton Review
Standardized test preparation and college/grad school search. |
- A Fresher's Guide to Life, University and Everything - Guidelines for British university life have global applications.
- America's 100 Most Wired Colleges - Article and the rankings.
- American University Admissions Program - Consulting service for foreign students who want to study in the U.S.
- Bolt - This site will help you plan for college, get over your ex, make some extra dough, and deal with your roommate. review
- Career Guidance Foundation - Online college catalogs and a quick college search.
- College Choice - Nonprofit information service from UCLA.
- The College Guide - University "best buys" and financial aid tips from Money magazine.
- College Planning - Information on college selection for students, parents, and education professionals.
- - This online magazine calls itself "a student's guide to college life," we call it good fun.
- CollegePrep-101 - Free online course to help you make the transition.
- CollegeScape - Apply electronically to U.S. colleges. Deadlines, addresses, and requirements provided.
- Critical Comparisons of American Colleges & Universities - College assessments.
- FishNet: College Guide - College information and a downloadable version of the common application.
- Hobsons Global Careers and Education Service - UK courses, US colleges, and distance learning information available here.
- Index - Cynthia Good's College and Career Planning Page - Links to college and career resources.
- International Education Service - Helps foreign students find educational institutions in the U.S. and Canada.
- Kaplan's Amazing College Simulator - Kaplan offers aspiring students a sneak peek at college life. review
- Kaplan's Going Postal - Games and activities will help you deal with admissions stress.
- Mapping Your Future - Information to help students plan their career, select a school, and pay for their education. review
- Peterson's: Colleges and Universities - College search, financial aid information, and backgroud reading.
- Preparing Your Child for College: A Resource Book for Parentes - Advice from the U.S. Department of Education. review
- PresNet - The Presidents' Network - Student recruitment service matches students to colleges.
- Study Hall - SATs, ACTs, and test-taking tips.
- Study Shack - Financial aid and application information, plus "underground" college reviews.
- U.S. News Online: Colleges & Careers Center - All about getting into college, then moving on.
- University Links - Links to universities, student newspapers, adult education sites, and distance learning sources.